Inversions and balances require the use of the entire body to ensure stability, strength and resilience! Headstand is a delicate pose. With sincere attention to the core, full body engagement, and proper resistance, it is a posture that requires clear intention and concentration. Oftentimes our daily group classes do not always afford teachers the time to give students an in depth exploration of poses such as headstand; potentially causing students to feel as though inverted balances are not accessible to them.
Libby will first guide students through a powerful physical practice with an emphasis on cultivating deep focused breath which will help to build awareness and understand how accessible headstand pose truly is. The use of breath, fully body engagement, and proper resistance will be our guiding principles! Through discovering the various nuances of headstand you will walk away with more confidence and tools to begin adding this pose into your practice with grace and ease! If you have ever wanted to attempt this pose or find more stability within it, this is the workshop for you!
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